Saturday, October 15, 2005

What I did on Thursday and Friday and Saturday

On Thursday I woke up and had breakfast and played the computer. I brushed my teeth. I got dressed and when was dressed I changed into a snake then I slithered under the bed ande when I was under the bed there was a monster. I slithered out. I had lunch. I hung out. I went to 711 and got chip's. I went for a walk. I came home. I had dinner. I went to bed. On Friday I woke up and had breakfast. I changed back into a boy. I was in the living room changing into a poodle dog. I had lunch. Rhonda took me to see Wolis And Gromit and the man got dressed the man had breakfast the gnome turned alive then his eye's were beeping the dog was ruining thing's there was a wererabbit the man changed into a rabbit then he changed back into a man and back to rabbit then he was on a ride. I went to Uncle Pearses. I went to Aunt Dinky's. I took Nana and uncle Pearse home. I went home. I had dinner. I brushed my teeth. I went to bed. Today I woke up and had breakfast. I was watching t.v.. I was chilling. I went to Old Navy and at Old Navy I changed back into a boy. I went to Wal Mart and at Wal Mart I changed into a fly. I went to Boston Pizza. I went to the mall. I took the video's back. I went to the library. I rented a video. I went shopping. I came home but now I am doing my blog.

1 comment:

R said...

Hey, Connor, I hope it's OK to leave you a message here.

My name's Becca, I found your writing from someone else's page.

I went to see the Wallace and Gromit film today, too - I really liked it, especially all the little rabbits. They made me laugh. What was your best bit?

Bye for now - it is VERY late and I must go to bed now.