Sunday, September 03, 2006

What will happen on our Thangsgiving costume party

We will invite Alison, Jenn, Uncle Pearse, Cousin Pearse, Jake, Nana, Erik, Kathy, Bert, Steve, Carlein and Dinky. Alison will dress as a princess, Jenn will dress as a witch, Uncle Pearse will dress as an indian cheif, Cousin Pearse will dress as a vampire, I will dress as a totem pole, Jake will dress as a cowboy, mom will dress as a fisher lady, dad will dress as a pirate, nana will dress as a cave woman, Erik will dress as a zombie, Kathy will dress as a flower, Bert will dress as Peter Pan, Steve will dress as a jester, Carlein will dress as a cat, Dinky will dress as a mermaid and Grandpa will dress as a martian. We will have snacks. We will tell spooky stories. Well have a thanksgiving dinner. We will read scary books. We will play games. We will have a pinyata. We will walk through a cardboard tunnel.


Anonymous said...

that sounds like so much fun! I wish I could be there. If I could be there, what costume would I wear?

Miner Jake said...

i wuld dress as a soldier