Wednesday, August 08, 2007

What Steven's friend did at night

Steven's friend had dishes to put it away and when they were going to be put away it was going to be time for him to do them at night but it wasnt a choice but he didnt have time and because of that he wasnt nice any more and when he said "That's it no more Mr nice guy and his mom and dad were afraid of him so they went to bed. Steven's scary friend was sleeping at night and he had a nightmare and he said to his nightmare I'm sorry I stole your line saying "No more mr nice guy but even though he was already scary he was protecting himself from his nightmare. Steven's friend scared his nightmare and his nightmare was afraid of him. Steven's friend's nightmare scared him back and he was afraid of him. Steven's friend's nightmare stole him and when he was tooken away he said "Help somebody help please." Steven's friend said "I wanna return to my home. Steven's friend returned to his home and when he was home he said "I had a nightmare but I am so glad to see you again. Steven's friend was happy and that made him turn back into being Mr nice guy. Steven's friend's mom left him home at night even though he was too young to stay home alone. Steven's friend's mom came back home and when they were home that made his mom no more Mrs nice woman and his dad no more Mr nice guy. Steven's friend locked his mom and dad outside and didnt let them in.

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