Thursday, February 23, 2006

Smoking cigarettes can kill you

Smoking isn’t good for you. You can die if you smoke cigarettes. 24% of people who are 18 to 44 years old are smokers. 44.5 million U.S. adults were current smokers in 2004. 438.000 people in U.S. die from smoking cigarettes. It kills more people than alcohol or car accidents or murders. Smoking causes cancer. 30% of cancer deaths are from smokers.


Miner Jake said...

Conner your right smoking can kill you ,your smart!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

No offence but everyone knows that smoking is bad for you...

Anonymous said...

.....I'm 14 i like that you think smoking is bad for you good job................................................................................Not your a fucking dumbass. ofcourse everyone knows that smoking is bad for you, you dumb shit. And for god sakes. YOUR NOT SMART, you may think you are but guess what. YOUR NOT. yea sure many people might think im mean for telling him this but come on your all thinking it to. and Con or Coner or who every the uck you are just stop bloging about dumbass things like "Oh smoking can kill you?" Thank for your time. and i also have comment on the Cue for Treason blog that you wrote.

Anonymous said...

how old are u kid?? do u think your funky ass is giving good advice???????? GEEEEEE SMOKING IS BAD FOR ME??????????????????? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! next time u think about makin a stupid ass comment please make sure its about something that you actually teaches someone about something. SMOKING??? COME ON KID. i get the funny feeling that u think your so smart well let me show u REALITY you are just another kid man. What gives UUU da right to make blogs huh????? in my eyes yurr a little kid who should just get a life man. GOOO DO SOMETHING INSTEAD OF TRYING TO BE ALL SMART BY MAKIN BLOGS DAT EVERY1 ALREADY KNOWS ABOUT OK??? YOUR NOT HELLPING ANYONE!!! YOUR WASTING FOR STINKING TIME.

Anonymous said...

Yea your right smoking can kill you, and it's very bad for you and your health. Each cigeratte takes 7 seconds from your life at least thats what i heard. I dont think that your Dumb for saying that, And your not a dumb A** for saying that.If i was you i wouldnt listen to those guys.

Anonymous said...

haha wow yuh peolpe get mad easy!

Anonymous said...

he helped me with a project because he had the percentages/ numbers.. so just calm yourself aha its just a blog.