Saturday, November 25, 2006

About Evil Spawn.

I had a problem about fiction because maybe people made something I dont like on purpose. On Friday night the video's I ordered like Santa Claus Conquers The Martians and Howard The Duck but no An American Werewolf In London because it it rated r looked like they were scary because they were on channel 45. And you 12 and you dont like to watch those things, Stupid show. Since it said on the back of Evil Spawn they had sex because a man has a hard penis and a lady has a soft vagina its just cause maybe they wanted to have it and that means maybe its rated pg or pg-13. It's rated r and since those ratings of videos are in the kids sections means its rated e for everyone. Mom can just be teazing saying that there is a rating like not suitable for watching. I broke all my fictional dvds and dont want Batman Begins back because the information on the back I didnt know if that means they showed much or not.

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