Wednesday, September 07, 2005

What I did at Brenden's house

I went to Brenden's house and when I was there I was standing behind Brayden while Brenden was behind me and when I was behind Brayden while Brenden was behind me Brenden put on green makeup as a monster then he put on a yellow costume and when he was dressed as a monster Brayden and I were running away from him and when we were running away Brenden was running after us saying roardadadadadada and Brayden and I were running upstair's to his room saying ahhhhhhhhhhdadadadadadada then we were upstair's in his room and when we were upstair's in his room we saw green monster's with pointy ear's and when we were with monster's with pointy ear's we watched a show of what we did before we were with them at Brenden's house then we sat in chair's and one of them said were monster's but were not monster's and Brayden said those monster's are green and I said and ther'e real and ther'e nice and the one who did stuff with us touched us with a makeup thing then he offered us a snack like eyedoyle bugar surprise we didnt want one of them then we got up and when we were standing the monster put a show on t.v. like Jacg the wolf then he changed it to what people would do with a monster then we played a game we spelled out we will have worm's for dinner then an other monster dropped the toy's in the toy house then me and Brayden were in the adic and when we were in the adic we saw a fake paint guy that can talk then we heared the sound of a wolf it was scaring us and we were afraid and Brenden came in and when he was in he said ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hurry that way so we left and when we were out of the adic Brenden standed in front of the door while Brayden and I were standing away from him and the wolf's arm was sticking out of the wall and Brenden said my name is yellow you can call me yellow then the wolf was sticking out of the door biteing Brenden and when it was biteing him it scared him and Brenden said ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh e ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh then he feel into the adic and the door broke and when he was in the adic he scared the wolf so it can turn nice then he got up then he came out and when he was out he fixed the wall and the door then we hung then he took his yellow costume off and when it was off he said fine then I'm naked then he got dressed then I picked up Mcdonald's and I ate it in the car then we were home and when I was home I flossed and brushed my teeth then I had a bath then I put on my pajama's then I was in bed.

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