Friday, December 02, 2005

What happened when I made a snowman

With Tyson we made a snowman and gave him pinecones for eyes and a little stick for a nose and I drew a mouth with my finger and I gave him pincones for teeth and sticks for arms and we called him Jack Frost and he turned alive and when he was alive he scared me and I said ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Jack Frost and I talked about snowman and snowwomen. Jack frost said Christmas should give you good exercise. I said to Jack Frost what do you know about Christmas and he said I dont know. Jack Frost met a woman and grabbed her. Jack Frost was standing on the road and Tyson ran over Jack Frost and Jack Frost lost his head. Jack Frost moved out of the way and Jack Frost was afraid of having no head so he fixed himself. I went to 711 and got slurpee and chips. I rented Richie Rich. I watched Richie Rich. I finished my homework. There was a scary man shooting people with a gun. Jack Frost came to my house. Jack Frost started killing everybody then he came home. In the morning when me and everyone else where dead in the morning we came back to life. I emptied the dishwasher. I had breakfast. I brushed my teeth. I got dressed. In school I learned about money. I had recess. I learned about money again. I was working on socials in LAC. I had recess again. I had made my art in LAC. I had lunch like jam sandwich. I played doctor dogeball. I played a game in Gym. I worked with Cindy. A woman went surfboarding. There was a man with a bow and arrow. I ordered pizza. Jack Frost melted away.

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